⚠️ The ability to use card readers is currently being Beta Tested and is not yet available to all customers.
If you have not yet activated your Storable Payments terminal, you can find instructions in our article: How do I set up my terminal?
⚠️ Please note: Cash back is not supported and will be declined if a customer attempts to select that option.
Once your terminal is set up, follow the steps below to take a payment through your terminal.
1. From the Operations page in SiteLink Web Edition, click Payments. | |
2. Locate the tenant you would like to take a payment for and click Next or double click on the tenant. | |
3. In the Payment section of the screen, enter the amount to be paid, select Credit Card Terminal under Method, and select the name of the terminal the customer is going to use from the Device dropdown menu. If you only have one device, that device will be pre-selected. | |
4. Click OK. You will see a message that SiteLink is Waiting for Terminal. The customer should insert or swipe their card or use contactless payment. | |
After the payment has been processed, the customer will see a Payment Completed message on the terminal screen. |
Canceling the transaction before it has been processed
If the customer needs to cancel the transaction before it has been processed, they can press the back arrow to go back to the previous screen.
If the customer has not completed the payment through the terminal after one minute, you’ll see a Cancel button in SiteLink. Click Cancel if you need to cancel the transaction.
If you cancel the payment in SiteLink, the customer will also need to cancel in the terminal.
Incomplete payments
An incomplete payment can occur if you accidentally click Cancel but the customer has already completed the transaction through the terminal or if there was a communication error between the terminal and SiteLink caused by an unstable internet connection.
If this happens, you will see Incomplete Payment in the Method drop-down menu. Select Incomplete Payment, enter the same amount for the transaction that was already processed through the terminal, and click OK.
If the amount entered doesn't match the amount of the payment taken through the terminal, you will see the following error message:
Click OK from the pop-up message and re-enter the payment amount.