You can easily edit billing, invoicing, and rate management settings for one or more tenants in SiteLink Web Edition by navigating to Setup > Units & Tenants and clicking Edit Tenant Settings.
Select a tenant or tenants and click Edit.
On this screen you can change invoice, auto billing, anniversary billing, and document delivery settings.
If you‘ve selected multiple tenants whose settings don’t match, the mismatched setting will be indicated by a black square in the check box or by a blank dropdown menu. Double click a checkbox in order to make the setting true for all selected tenants. If you select an option from a dropdown and click OK, the setting will change all tenants that are selected.
Billing Anniversary date can only be changed for one tenant at a time. If you change the anniversary date and the tenant has a bill currently due, a prorated charge will be created for the customer to pay. If the tenant is already paid for the current month, the change will be added to upcoming charges due and will not affect the current bill.
If you would like to exclude the tenant or tenants from automatic rate increases, check Exclude from Automatic Tenant Rate Management.