How do I transfer a tenant to a different unit?

You can easily transfer a tenant from one unit to another within SiteLink Web Edition and automatically transfer all existing tenant data to the new unit. 

To transfer a tenant: 

1. From the Operations page, click Transfer.


2. Select the tenant’s current unit and click Next.


3. From the list of available units, select the new unit and click Next

4. SiteLink will prorate any prepaid rent, apply credits or balances, and calculate rent for the new unit. Only predefined rent discounts will be transferred. Multi-month discounts will be totaled and applied as one lump sum. Insurance will be transferred and insurance prepayments will be applied to insurance charges.

Check the Charge a Transfer Fee box to charge a fee for the unit transfer if that is your policy.


5. Click OK to complete the transfer.

You will have the option to print a receipt and a new lease if you would like to. You can then take a payment for the prorated balance, if any. Click Yes from the popup message to be taken to the payment screen. 


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