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How do I edit Move-In and Move-Out surveys?

SiteLink lets you customize your Move-In and Move-Out marketing survey responses to suit your business needs.

You can set up your marketing surveys in SiteLink Web Edition by navigating to Setup.


Click Marketing.


The options in the left column of the next screen impact the Move-In survey. Options in the right column impact the Exit survey. For example, if you click Marketing Responses, you will see the list of responses available to select for the "How did you hear about us?" section of the Move-In survey.


Select the survey section you would like to change. You will see a list of your current responses for the section you chose. You can’t delete the default responses. However, you can edit the response name (Description) by selecting the response and clicking Edit.


You can add new responses to the Marketing Responses (How did you hear about us?) survey section by clicking Add. Enter the name of the new response in the Description field and click OK to save. This is the only survey question that allows you to add new responses. 


Marketing surveys are shown during the Move-In and Move-Out flow. Responses for each section will be sorted alphabetically on the survey. If you would like a particular response to appear at the top of the list, enter an asterisk (*) before the Description.


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