Background data refresh

In order to ensure you can log into SiteLink and start using your software quickly, your most important data is downloaded initially at login and then less critical records, such as tenant note history, will be downloaded in a background process after you’re logged in. 


You will see a refresh icon next to Tools when the background process is running. 

While the background process is active, you will be able to complete most daily tasks such as taking payments, processing move-ins, and viewing reports. Certain actions that use the less-critical data, such as viewing tenant notes, may require you to wait until the background process is complete. 


How do I change my settings to download all data at login?

If you would prefer all data to be downloaded at login, you can change the setting by following the steps below. Please note: This may slow down the login process.

  1. Click Setup.

  1. Click Program Defaults. 

  1. On the General tab, press Ctrl+Shift+R at the same time. 
  2. Check the box next to Download all data tables during refresh cycles.

  1. Click Ok.

This setting applies to the computer you are using, not the location you are logged into. It will apply to any site or user using the computer. If you use multiple computers to access SiteLink, you will need to follow these steps on all computers.

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