Storable Access Control: Contactless Entry App (Mobile Entry)

The Contactless Entry app is an application for Access Control customers. The app allows customers to enable facility access for their tenants. This contactless entry solution eliminates the need to remember gate codes, cards, and fobs, providing a seamless experience to open facility gates.

SiteLink facilities using Access Control can opt-in to the Mobile Entry App if they want their tenants to have access to the Contactless Entry application. Tenants can use the app to enter the facility if their device is within 0.5 miles of the facility. 


How to Turn On Contactless Entry (Mobile Entry App)

Note: Before granting Contactless Entry access, please ensure your tenants have an email address in their tenant accounts. Without a valid email address, tenants cannot access the app. If tenants add an email after Contactless Entry is turned on, the app will not work until an internal data sync is performed (typically at midnight).

1. Click on the Access button in SiteLink Web Edition.

Main screen.png

2. Click on Settings.

3. Click the toggle that reads Toggle to Turn On Mobile Entry App Access.

Turn on - steps 2 and 3.png

4. Add the address of the physical gate's location. The address enables your tenant to open the gate when they're within 0.5 miles of the facility. Select the address for it and click Enable Mobile Entry.

Turn on - step 4.png


How to Provide Tenants Access to Contactless Entry 

Once Contactless Entry is turned on within Access Control, you can provide your tenants access to the feature. 

1. Click the Preview (eye) or Download (cloud) icon next to Mobile Entry App QR Code Signage.

Section 2 - step 1.png

2. The QR code is unique to the facility. You can print and place the QR code print-out at your tenant's facility, or cut-and-paste the QR code and instructions into their move-in documents.

Section 2 - step 2.png




How to Send Bulk Invites to Existing Tenants

1. From the Settings screen, click Send Invite Email to All Accessors.


Note: This will opt-in all tenants that have an email address on file; it does not send invite emails to non-tenant accessors. Non-tenant accessors require an email address entered into a tenant's profile during the opt-in process.


Bulk invite.png



How to Send Invites to Individual Tenants

1. Click on “Accessors”.

2. Click on the tenant’s name.

3. Click Opt into Mobile Entry App.


A pop-up button will allow you to send the invite email. When you click Save, your tenant is invited automatically. You can also click the Resend button. If the tenant does not have an email address associated with their account, this option is not available.

To enable this option, add an email address to the tenants profile in SiteLink Web Edition and allow for the overnight process to sync tenant accounts.

Ind invite.png


How to View Contactless Entry Activities

1. Open the Activity page.

2. Mobile Entry is listed in the Entry Format column for all tenants who used the mobile app to enter the facility.



How Tenants Setup Contactless Entry on their Mobile Device

Once you invite your tenants to download and use Contactless Entry, they will receive communication with instructions on how to proceed. Here is what their experience looks like.

1. Once a tenant has been opted-in, they will get an email to download the app.

Tenant step 1.png

2. When the tenant clicks Start Installation, they are taken to a website to install the app.

Tenant step 2-1.png

Tenant step 2-2.png

3. Once they follow the instructions, the Storage Access app is installed on their phone.

Tenant step 3.png

4. The first time the app is used, the tenant is required to enter their email address. This address must match the email the invite was sent to. The tenant receives a one-time password.

Tenant step 4.png

5. In the email, the tenant is required to copy the password.

Tenant step 5.png

6. Next, the tenant opens the Storage Access app to paste the password and clicks Continue.

Tenant step 6.png

7. The tenant clicks Allow for location sharing.

Note: Contactless Entry will not work unless tenant shares their location. 

Tenant step 7.png

8. The tenant is able to view any access points or gates they are able to open.


Note: Clicking Open within a 0.5 mile range from the facility will open the gate device. Only devices with a compatible relay can be opened. 

Tenant step 8.png

9. If the tenant gets a Location Undetected error code and is within the 0.5 mile range, they are required to turn on location services for their phone's website browser. After turning on their location, they have to close out of their app and re-open. If it still does not work then they will need to delete the bookmarked page on their phone and repeat steps 1-5.

Tenant step 9.png

10. If the tenant receives a Too Far Away From Storage Facility error, they are outside the 0.5 mile range.

Tenant step 10.png


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