Follow the instructions below to add or edit an employee's SiteLink Web Edition access from SiteLink Web Edition or SiteLink Corporate Control Center.
1. In SiteLink Web Edition, click Setup. In SiteLink Corporate Control Center, navigate to the Site Setup page. |
SiteLink Web EditionCorporate Control Center |
2. Click Employees. In Corporate Control Center, select a site or sites. |
SiteLink Web EditionSiteLink Corporate Control Center |
3. Click Add or Edit on the right-hand side of the screen. |
4. Add or edit the user's information and permissions. Required information is highlighted in green.
Security Level designates the level of access a user has. These security levels can be defined through Setup > Security Levels.
Log-On Allowed Days allows you to select what days a user is able to log into the database. To enable logon for a particular day, simply ensure the box is checked.
Log on Allowed Times allows you to allocate the time in which a user/employee is able to login to the database.
Time Out Minutes allows us to select how long a user is able to remain inactive before requiring their password to be entered again.
PCI Security Lockout Status: Users can be locked out of SiteLink from the PCI Security Lockout section. If you need to give a locked-out user permission to log in, click Unlocked.
4. Click OK to save your changes.