If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

SiteLink: What's New 2022

The following is a list of improvements released for SiteLink. Be sure to run a live update to apply these changes as they become available.

December 13, 2022

Google Maps

We have re-implemented our Google Maps feature. You can now view a map of your customer’s addresses in relation to your facility in SiteLink Corporate Control Center by clicking Google Maps or in SiteLink Web Edition by navigating to Reports → Marketing Reports → Map Tenants. 

If you use the Competitor Tracking feature, you will also see your competitors on the Map Tenants Report or by navigating to Company → Competitor Tracking → Google Map. The legend in the bottom right corner of the map screen shows which pins are for Residential Tenants, Commercial Tenants, or Competitors.

November 15, 2022

Insurance proration

We resolved an issue that was causing the second month's insurance charge to be prorated for new tenants when only the first month should be prorated.

Corporate Division site count

We resolved an issue that was causing the division site count not to be updated when adding a facility to a Corporate Division.

Voiding transactions in MyHub

We resolved an issue that was preventing users from being able to void transactions in SiteLink MyHub.


October 25, 2022

Processing multiple ACH payments

We resolved an issue that was causing an error message when processing multiple ACH transactions through ACH Reminders.

Access Zones (Storable Access Control)

You can now group Access Points into Access Zones in order to easily assign multiple access points to your tenants. Learn more in our article: How do I create Access Zones?Please note: This feature only applies to Storable Access Control users.

October 4, 2022

Reservation data in Lead to Lease
We resolved an issue that was causing reservation data to be missing when editing a reservation from Lead to Lease.
Invoice due date
We resolved an issue that was causing invoices using the keyword "invoice.duedate" to populate with the present date instead of the date the charge is due.
Transaction Amount calculation in Excel download
We resolved an issue that was causing the Transaction Amount to not automatically calculate when the Transactions page in myHub Corporate Control Center is exported to a spreadsheet and opened in Excel.
Shortcut links on the Payments screen
We resolved an issue that was causing shortcut links on the Payments screen not to work.

September 20, 2022

Start of Day reports

We resolved an issue that was causing SiteLink to freeze when users attempted to process start of day reports that were set to print only.

Discount plan start time

We resolved an issue that was causing new discount plans to start at the time the plan was created instead of midnight.

SiteLink myHub login

We resolved an issue that was preventing some users from logging into SiteLink myHub.

Real time Access Control updates (Storable Access Control)

Move-ins, move-outs, and delinquency triggers now happen in real-time if you are a Storable Access Control user. You also no longer need to leave SiteLink Web Edition running in order for tenant access data to sync with your software.


August 23, 2022

Print receipt prompt 

We resolved an issue that was causing the print/email receipt prompt to appear before the payment approval screen when processing a payment.

eSign URL

We resolved an issue that was causing the eSign URL to be missing in certain circumstances when attempting to reprint or regenerate an eSign document.

Moved-out tenants on the Insurance Roll Report

We resolved an issue that was causing moved-out tenants to be shown on the Insurance Roll Report.

Filter Activity button (Storable Access Control)

We added a button to the Accessor sidebar that allows users to filter the Activity page for activity relevant to the tenant you are viewing.


August 9, 2022

Vacant Units report calculation

We resolved an issue with the SiteLink myHub Vacant Units report that was causing the full price of the unit to be shown instead of the prorated price in the Prorata+Tax column.

Refund permissions

We resolved an issue that was causing users with permission to issue refunds over the refund limit set in their software to be unable to do so.

Tax calculation

We resolved an issue that was causing rent in SiteLink myHub to be $.01 more than rent for the same unit in SiteLink Web Edition due to a difference in how tax was being rounded.

Language in SiteLink myHub dialogue boxes

We resolved an issue that was causing the text in SiteLink myHub dialogue boxes to change to another language in some instances.

Privacy policy file

We resolved an issue that was causing the default SiteLink privacy policy file to be used instead of an intended custom HTML file on the SiteLink Web template when viewed on mobile.

24 hour access (Storable Access Control)

We added the ability for Storable Access Control users to grant a 24 hour access override for all zones to individual accessors if they choose. You can do this from either the move-in modal or the Accessor sidebar. Learn more in our article: How do I grant 24 hour access to individual accessors?

Non-tenant access (Storable Access Control)

We added the ability for Storable Access Control users to create a non-tenant accessor and assign them gate codes within SiteLink. Learn more in our article: How do I add a non-tenant accessor?


July 26, 2022

Prohibited elements in HTML forms

We added an alert to let you know if an HTML form contains prohibited elements when you try to save it. You will still be able to save forms that include prohibited elements, however, those elements will be commented out in the code. You can read more about prohibited elements in our help article: Are there restrictions to HTML code that can be used in forms? 

Reservation deposits

We resolved an issue that was causing users to be unable to accept reservation deposits in myHub.

Saving ACH information

We resolved an issue that was causing users to be unable to save ACH information in myHub.


July 26, 2022

Prohibited elements in HTML forms

We added an alert to provide a warning if you try to save or clone an HTML form containing prohibited elements. You will still be able to save forms that include prohibited elements, however, those elements will be commented out in the code. You can read more about prohibited elements in our help article: Are there restrictions to HTML code that can be used in forms? 

Reservation deposits

We resolved an issue that was causing users to be unable to accept reservation deposits in myHub.

Saving ACH information

We resolved an issue that was causing users to be unable to save ACH information in myHub.


July 12, 2022

Adding unit notes without correct permission

We resolved an issue that was causing users without permission to add unit notes to be able to add unit notes when modifying a unit.

Tax exemption records

We resolved an issue that was causing tax exemptions not to be recorded.

Date of Birth and Tax ID Autofill

We resolved an issue that was causing the DOB and Tax ID fields in SiteLink myHub to be auto-filled with the SiteLink user's login credentials.

Storable Access Control

Moved out tenants

Moved out tenants will no longer be shown on the Accessor page by default. You can view moved-out tenants by clicking the filter button in the top left corner of the Accessor page and then checking Show Moved Out TenantsPlease note: This update applies to Storable Access Control users only. 

Search Activity Log by accessor name 

We added a search bar to the Activity page that allows you to search the activity log by tenant name. You will see a list of all results containing the characters you enter in the search bar. For example, if you search for Brandon, you will see a list of results for Brandon. If you search for a few characters like “Bran”, you will see a list of all results containing “Bran”. We also added a Clear Filters button to clear the search and return to the full list of activities. Please note: This update applies to Storable Access Control users only. 

June 28, 2022

Email invoice formatting

We resolved an issue that was causing email structure to be lost and keywords to be missing when email invoices were sent automatically through batch processing.

Password change settings

We resolved an issue that was causing users to be unable to set passwords to never expire in Corporate Control Center Security Setup preferences.

Storable Access Control pagination

We added pagination to the Accessor and Activity pages for Storable Access Control users so the information is split into smaller pages with up to 50 results each. 


June 14, 2022

Adding notes to Lead to Lease tenant

We resolved an issue that prevented users from adding tenant notes in Lead to Lease.

Lead Follow Up letter

We resolved an issue that caused the Lead Follow Up letter email to be sent when a new lead was created.

Update return mailing address

We resolved an issue that caused users to be unable to update the tenant return mailing address for Simple Certified Mail in a number of places in SiteLink.

API username update

In order to ensure smooth and reliable integrations between SiteLink and other Storable applications, we have updated the SiteLink user accounts that give access to other Storable products. You may notice updated usernames such as StorableWeb and StorableIns if you use our websites or insurance products. 


May 17, 2022

Open email form

We resolved an issue that was causing the email form not to open when clicking Email from the Payment Notes screen in myHub.

Insurance premium charges

We resolved an issue that was causing some tenant insurance premiums to be updated to the current policy default when the tenant was set up with a different premium.


May 3, 2022

Edit Exit Survey for Moved-Out tenant

We resolved an issue that was causing the dropdown menus not to be populated and changes not to be saved when attempting to edit the Exit Survey for a moved-out tenant. 

Access Control Activity Log

We made an update to the Activity Log so that you can click on the date of an activity and expand a sidebar which allows you to update the assessor's access code and revoke or reinstate access. Please note: This feature is only available for Storable Access Control users. 

April 19, 2022

Report Scheduler improvements

  • We made improvements to the Report Scheduler to increase efficiency and reliability. 

  • We resolved an issue that was causing new distribution groups in Report Scheduler not to be saved correctly when adding multiple email addresses.

  • We resolved an issue that was causing users to be unable to select sites when creating a reporting job.

Exit survey when processing a move out in SiteLink myHub

  • We resolved an issue that was causing the Exit Survey button in myHub not to be clickable from mobile devices when processing a move-out.

  • We resolved an issue that was causing exit survey data entered in myHub not to be saved and causing some users to be unable to complete a move out if the exit survey was required.

Gate code update note

We resolved an issue that was causing a tenant note not to be added when gate codes were changed using the Access screen.

Credit Card Payments report

We resolved an issue that was causing an error when running the Credit Card Payments report if a receipt included in the reporting period was missing a receipt number.

ESign Radio Button Keyword 

We resolved an issue that was causing additional characters to be added to the keyword <ESign.RadioButtonPair:Yes:No> when used in forms.

Auto Billing when no payment processor is set

We resolved an issue that was allowing Auto Billing to run if a payment processor was not set up in SiteLink, resulting in offline payments. 

Storable Access Control 

Please note: The features below are only available for Storable Access Control customers. 

Activity Logs

We have added Access Activity Logs that allow you to reference attempts to use access points at the facility level. You can view successful, failed, and unknown access attempts for all of your access points right from your SiteLink software. This is helpful when investigating security issues, diagnosing passcode issues, or informing business decisions. You can read more in our article: Where can I view a log of access activity? 

Update Access codes in Accessor sidebar

We have added the ability to update tenant gate codes. This can be found by navigating to Access in SiteLink Web Edition, selecting the Accessor tab, and then selecting a tenant. The sidebar will open and you can enter a new gate code in the Access Code field. Please note: Updates to gate codes will not be reflected on the Tenant Record in SiteLink. We will be updating this in a future release so that gate codes are recorded consistently throughout SiteLink when an update is made.

March 30, 2022

Report Scheduler improvements

We’ve heard your concerns and have been making improvements to the Report Scheduler tool based on your feedback. You should now experience faster, more reliable processing of Reporting Jobs. 

You can find more information about SiteLink reports and Report Scheduler in our articles:

Infrastructure improvements

We've made infrastructure improvements that will allow us to increase the stability and reliability of SiteLink.

Storable Access Control

When you need to grant or revoke access privileges for your tenants, it’s critical that the process is quick and reliable. That’s why we’re excited to announce that tenants who move in online or through a kiosk can now be automatically granted access to your facility within just a few minutes. Please note: This update is applicable to Storable Access Control customers only.

If you’re not using SiteLink Access Control and are interested in more information, reach out to us here: SiteLink Access Control


February 22, 2022

User permissions

We resolved an issue that was causing user permissions in SiteLink MyHub not to match user permissions in SiteLink Web Edition.

Infrastructure improvements

We are releasing some infrastructure changes that will enable us to improve the stability and reliability of SiteLink.

Commercial option on the Edit Tenant screen

We resolved an issue on the Edit Tenant screen that was causing the Commercial option not to be visible. 


February 8, 2022

Monthly reporting date

We resolved an issue that was causing the date not to save when creating a new monthly reporting job in SiteLink Corporate Control Center.

Expiring proof of insurance CRM tasks

We resolved an issue that was causing some tenants to be missing from the CRM task list for expiring proof of insurance.


January 11, 2022 

Reservation expiration date

We resolved an issue that was causing the reservation expiration date in SiteLink Web Template not to match the expiration date in Lead to Lease.

Rent Roll report export

We resolved an issue that was causing discrepancies in the Rent Roll report depending on how you exported it from SiteLink.

Invoices to Print screen

We resolved an issue that was causing some tenants to incorrectly display on the Invoices to Print screen.

Future insurance charges

We resolved an issue that was causing a future insurance charge to be added to some invoices erroneously.

eSign form size

We resolved an issue that was causing some eSign forms to be sent as a smaller size than they were set to. If you're still experiencing this issue, please clear your Internet Explorer cache.

Management History and Exceptions report parity

We resolved an issue that was causing discrepancies between the Management History and Exceptions reports.

Credit Card information on Ledger History

We resolved an issue that was causing the Ledger History to no longer show the last four digits of the credit card number after performing a merchandise return.

Web Template move-in confirmation emails

We resolved an issue that was causing Web Template move-in confirmation emails to show rent charges before discounts instead of showing the discounted rate.

Merchandise purchases via API

We resolved an issue with a SiteLink API call that was occasionally causing error messages when running a transaction for multiple merchandise items.

eSign Bulletin data

We resolved an issue with eSign bulletins that was causing the tenant's name to be missing from the bulletin text.

Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.