SiteLink eSign

What is SiteLink eSign?

SiteLink eSign provides lease auditing and the ability to collect a legally binding electronic signature from customers when using SiteLink Web Edition. SiteLink eSign is a FREE service included in your SiteLink Web Edition software subscription.

Electronic signatures allow tenants to electronically sign leases, letters and forms from anywhere using a mouse, keyboard, or a finger/stylus and touchscreen like a smartphone or tablet. Electronic signatures also allow you to email customers a link to sign a lease, letter or form. It integrates with websites for complete online rental, as well as document management and lease auditing through the SiteLink eSign Console.


How do I enable eSign?

1. In SiteLink Web Edition, click Setup. Tenants
2. Click SiteLink eSign.


3. From here, click the drop-down menu and select SiteLink eSign.


4. To enable electronic leases, select the Enable electronic leases checkbox to the right of the drop-down menu.
5. If you would like to CC the facility email address each time a lease or document is submitted to a tenant, click the CC site when emailing documents checkbox. If this box is checked, SiteLink will automatically CC the email designated in Company Information under setup.
6. Click OK to save your changes.


Enable forms for eSign

Next, you need to enable your forms for use with eSign.

1. Navigate back to the Setup screen.


2. Click Form Setup.

3. Highlight the specific form you want to make available for eSign with and click Edit under the letter category.

4. Click on the place in the document where you would like it signed and add verbiage to let the customer know to sign. For example “Tenant Signature”.

5. With your cursor to the right of the text that you just added, click Insert at the top of the screen. Choose Keyword and select the correct keyword:

  • If the signature is mandatory choose ESign.Signature1.  

  • If the signature is optional choose the keyword Esign.Signature1Optional.

6. Click Save when you are finished.  save_form.png

SiteLink eSign customer experience

When you get to a screen in myHub or SiteLink Web Edition with documents to sign (see the section above for information about making forms available for eSign), you will see the options to Sign in Person or E-Mail Link. Choose whether the tenant is going to sign now in-store or later on a personal device at home.


Links emailed to customers will expire after seven days. After that time, the link will need to be emailed again.

If signing in person, give the tenant access to the device they will sign on. From a device such as an iPad or tablet, the tenant can sign from the eSign portal. You can find instructions to access the portal in our training video. 

The tenant will first see a welcome screen showing the documents that require signatures. They will click OK to proceed.

The tenant can start signing by clicking the Start button. They will be taken to the first field in the document that requires a signature.


They should then click on the field that requires a signature.


The tenant can choose to Draw or enter Text to create their signature. If initials are required, an initial field will appear to the right of the Full name field.

  • Draw: If they choose Draw, the tenant will draw their signature using the curser or their finger.

  • Text: If they choose text, the tenant will type their name in the Full Name field.

Click Adopt and Sign when the signature has been created.

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 3.24.04 PM.png

Click Next at the bottom of the screen or press the Tab key to jump to the next signature field. 


The tenant can simply click each required signature field to apply the signature they created.


The tenant can navigate between documents by simply scrolling down the page.

They can also click the dropdown menu in the top left corner to jump to another document and see the status of each document.

When all required fields have been completed, the tenant will see a Finish button at the bottom of the screen. 


Click Finish.

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 3.35.26 PM.png
Click Submit to submit all completed documents. Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 3.36.45 PM.png
If the document also needs to be signed by a facility manager, they will see a message stating that the document is awaiting additional signatures. Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 3.38.51 PM.png

If signing in person, the tenant will give control of the signing device back to the facility manager to review the documents for accuracy and sign any documents that require a manager signature. This process works the same way as shown above for tenants.

Emailing, printing, or downloading signed documents

After signing, a module will pop-up that allows you to email, download, or print a copy of the documents.



You can also print signed documents from SiteLink myHub > eFile Management > Completed.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 2.02.14 PM.png

Click Open next to the document.

open document.png

Then, use your browser's native Print button.

print from browser.png

Documents awaiting manager signature

You will see any documents that need to be signed by a manager on the Awaiting Manager's Signature page that can be accessed in the SiteLink Web Edition > Company > eSign Console or SiteLink myHub > eFile Management. 

awaiting manager signature.png



What devices can I use to allow customers to electronically sign documents?

Tenants can electronically sign using a mouse, keyboard, or finger/stylus and touchscreen (tablet, smartphone, or pressure-sensitive monitor). If you have a Topaz brand signature pad it may work with e-sign, however they are not officially supported and not recommended. We recommend using iPads or tablets as they provide a better signing experience for tenants for tenants to see exactly what they’re signing, providing transparency and reducing any potential issues.

What options are available for the tenant to sign a lease either in person, over the phone, or online?

Tenants can sign using a mouse, keyboard, or a finger/stylus and touchscreen (tablet, smartphone or pressure-sensitive monitor.) Most mobile devices that use a touchscreen can be used including Apple, Android, Windows smartphones, and tablets.

You may email the tenant a link to the lease, have them sign in-store, or complete an online rental.

Are electronic signatures legally binding?

Electronic signatures are legally binding in the U.S. and many other countries. Two compliance acts passed by the U.S. congress; Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), establish that electronic records and signatures have the same effect as paper and handwritten signatures.


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