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How do I move a ledger to another tenant?

You may need to move a ledger from one tenant record to another if, for example, the incorrect tenant is selected at move-in, a tenant name is duplicated in SiteLink, or a tenant is renting more than one unit and the units need to be linked in SiteLink for billing purposes. 

Linked units

Most tenants who rent multiple units prefer to have them linked together so that they will receive one invoice for all of their units. When the same tenant rents multiple units in SiteLink they will be linked together by default (and when invoicing they will receive one invoice for all their units). These units should be shown together in a "Batch" version of the Payments screen.

When a unit does not show up on the Payments screen with other units the tenant has rented, it means the customer was moved in under a "new" tenant record (with the same or similar name). If this happens, the "split" unit must be manually linked to the other unit(s) by following the instructions below.


How to move a ledger to another tenant

Please note: All documents associated with the tenant's ledger will be transferred except ePhotos. Please download any ePhotos for the tenant prior to moving the ledger. 

1. In SiteLink Web Edition and click Company.
2. Click Utilities.

3. Press CTRL + SHIFT + T (all 3 keys at the same time). This reveals the Move Ledger to Another Tenant button.

4. Click Move Ledger to Another Tenant.

5. Select the tenant record you are transferring from on the left-side list.

6. Select the tenant record you are transferring to on the right-side list. 

7. Click Transfer and verify the information in the prompt is correct before clicking OK.

8. Click Close to exit the Transfer Lease screen.


If you are linking units, you can navigate to the Payments screen to verify that the units have been correctly linked together.

How to unlink units

Occasionally, you may need to unlink units from each other, for example in the case of a divorce. Let’s say a married couple has two units. Unfortunately, they get divorced and now one unit needs to be under only person A’s name and the second unit needs to be under only person B’s name.

1. Follow steps 1-4 above to navigate to the Move Ledger to Another Tenant screen.
2. Click Add.  unlink_units.png
3. Enter the name, contact information and any additional details for the 2nd person. Click Ok


Once that name is added, it will appear on the right-hand side of the screen under To Tenant.
5. Select the unit on the left under From Tenant that you want associated with the new person. Select the new name on the right under To Tenant.
6. Click the Transfer button and the unit will now associated with the new name. transfer_lease.png


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