How do I set up or make changes to a tenant's gate access?

⚠️ This article is applicable for customers using 3rd party gate integrations. This article does not apply to Storable Access Control users. 

After your gate integration is set up, you can assign gate codes to your tenants and adjust their access settings. 

1. From the Operations screen in SiteLink Web Edition, click Access

2. Double click on the tenant you want to make changes to.

3. You can make a number of changes from this screen:

  • Gate Code: Create or change the gate code by entering a number in the Gate Code field. You can also click Random to pick a random code for you. Keep in mind that there may be special requirements based on your gate provider.

  • Time Zone and Keypad Zone: Select the Time Zone (typically Business Hours or 24 Hours) the customer can access their unit and the Keypad Zone (access points) the tenant has access to. 

  • Ledger Status: This section shows the tenant’s current balance and the Lockout Threshold you have set. In the example below you can see that the tenant's balance exceeds the lockout threshold and they are locked out of the gate. 

  • Gate Status: You can manually lock or unlock the gate for the tenant from the Gate Status section. In most cases this is not necessary because SiteLink will automatically make these changes for you, depending on your settings.

  • Other Authorized Gate Access: Use the Add or Remove arrows to make changes to additional authorized people who have access to the gate in connection with the unit. Anyone added will have the same lockout rules as the primary tenant for the unit.

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