How do I set up recurring payments (Auto Billing) when using Storable Payments?

⚠️ This article is intended for SiteLink clients who are using Storable Payments as their payment processor. We are constantly adding new features and bug fixes to Storable Payments, so be sure to run updates whenever they are available. 

You can process Auto Billing by receiving a reminder when it’s time to process a tenant’s payment or by setting up Automated Batch Processing and removing the manual step. 

Set up a tenant for Auto Billing

Follow the instructions below to save a tenant’s card on file and receive a reminder to let you know when it’s time to process their payment. 

In SiteLink Web Edition


1. From the Operations screen, click Tenants.
2. Select a tenant from the list. Then on the right, click Credit Card (even if you are going to enter ACH information).

3. In the bottom right corner, find the box titled Monthly Automatic Billing. Click the Credit Card or ACH radio button. 

The Auto Bill On Day Past Due setting determines when the payment will process. “0” is usually recommended, as this bills the tenant on the day that their rent period begins. You can only bill the payment method once the customer is due, not before.

You can also check the E-Mail Receipt box to email a receipt to the customer once their card has been successfully billed.


4. Enter the customer's Address and Zip Code in the Address Verification Service section. These fields are required so that AVS information can be verified to help reduce fraud and credit card decline rates.

You can click the Verify AVS button to verify the AVS information prior to saving the card on file, however, completing this check is not necessary. We will automatically verify the AVS information when billing is run using the credit card. 

If you do click Verify AVS and the information matches, you will see a message under the button that says "AVS information has been verified and matches". If the information does not match, you will see a message that says "AVS Information has been verified and does not match."

4. When you are done, click OK to save your changes. 


In SiteLink myHub

1. From the main screen of myHub, select Customers from the left side menu.
2. Click Tenants.

3. Select a tenant from the list. Then, click to expand the right side popover menu and select Autobill.

4. Enter the Credit Card information then find the section titled Monthly Automatic Billing in the bottom right corner. Click the Credit Card radio button.

You are required to enter the customer's Billing Address, Postal Code, and CVV when entering a new card on file. Including this information aligns with industry best practices for fraud reduction and can help decrease credit card decline rates.

The Auto Bill On Day Past Due setting determines when the card will process. “0” is usually recommended, as this bills the tenant on the day that their rent period begins. You can only bill the card once the customer is due, not before.

You can also check the E-Mail Receipt box to email a receipt to the customer once their card has been successfully billed.

5. Click OK to save your changes.


Set up Automatic Batch Processing

Automatic Batch Processing allows payments you have set up for Auto Billing to process payments overnight on their due date without manually kicking off the process. This automation will run nightly for any transactions that should be processed based on the settings below. If there are transactions that fail, we will try running it nightly until the payment is successful or the tenant is removed from Auto Billing.

1. Click Setup.
2. Click Program Defaults

3. Navigate to the Batch tab and check the boxes next to the items you would like to include in Automatic Batch Processing. You can also set a maximum amount for individual transactions if you would prefer to manually process large payments.


4. Click Ok to save your changes when you are done. 

You will receive a summary email after processing has been completed to let you know if any payments have failed.


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