If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

How do I set prerequisite events for gate lockout?

In SiteLink Web Edition, gate lockout is assigned to a past due event. When the past due event occurs, the tenant will be locked out. You can select a prerequisite event that must take place before the gate lockout can occur. 

To set a prerequisite for gate lockout:

1. From SiteLink Web Edition, click Setup. SLWE_setup.png
2. On the next screen, select Past Due Schedule.



3. The next screen will display your past due events. Select Gate Lockout from the list and click Edit.




4. At the bottom of the next screen, select a Prerequisite Event from the dropdown list (Auction, Past Due Notice, Overlock, Lien Notice, Schedule Auction, Cut the Lock). Select the number of days after the prerequisite event that you would like gate lockout to take place.

⚠️  Recurring events are not available as prerequisites for Gate Lockout.



5. Click Ok to save your changes.   

6. If you would like to give a tenant more time before being locked out, do not process the event set as a prerequisite for gate lockout until you’re ready for them to be locked out. Tenants won’t be locked out until the days chosen in Step 4 have passed after processing the prerequisite event.


If you set Gate Lockout to occur 5 days after the Past Due Notice:

  • When you process the Past Due Notice for a tenant, that is day 1. 
  • That tenant will be locked out on day 5 (4 days later).
  • If you’d like to give the tenant more time before being locked out, wait to process the Past Due Notice. 


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