Storable Access Control: Where can I view a log of access activity?

The Access Activity Log allows you to reference attempts to use access points at your facility. You can view successful, failed, and unknown access attempts for all of your access points right from your SiteLink software. This is helpful when investigating security issues, diagnosing passcode issues, or informing business decisions. Follow the instructions below to view the Access Activity Log in SiteLink Web Edition or SiteLink myHub.

SiteLink Web Edition

From the Operations screen in SiteLink Web Edition, click Access

On the Activity tab, you will see a list of activity including:

  • Day/Time of the activity 

  • Description of the activity

  • Access Point the person accessed or tried to access

  • Name of the accessor

  • Unit(s) the accessor is renting


You can search for access activity from the search bar or click the filter button to narrow down activity by date range, activity types, or access points. 

If you click the date of an activity, a sidebar will appear which allows you to update the accessor’s access code, override hours, and access zone. You can also toggle Revoke Access to revoke or reinstate access.


SiteLink myHub

From the Home page in SiteLink myHub, click Activity under the Access section. access_activity.png

On the Activity page, you will see a list of activity including:

  • Day/Time of the activity 

  • Description of the activity

  • Access Point the person accessed or tried to access

  • Name of the accessor


If you click the date of an activity, a sidebar will appear which allows you to update the accessor’s access code, override hours, and access zone. You can also toggle Revoke Access to revoke or reinstate access. Screenshot_2023-04-05_at_2.12.27_PM.png
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