If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

Storable Access Control: How do I add non-tenant accessors?

If you need to grant access to your facility for a non-tenant (ex: a maintenance provider, lawn care provider, etc.), you can create a non-tenant accessor in SiteLink Web Edition or SiteLink myHub by following the instructions below. 

SiteLink Web Edition

1. Navigate to Access in SiteLink Web Edition. Access.png
2. Select the Accessors tab and then click the Add Accessor icon in the top right corner. add_accessor.png

3. Enter the accessor’s information and select Access Zones and Override Hours if applicable. 


4. Click Save when you’re done.


Non-tenant accessors will be indicated on the Accessor page in the Unit(s) column and on the Accessor sidebar that will pop out when you click on a tenant as show below:



Deleting a non-tenant accessor

If you need to delete a non-tenant accessor, select them from the Accessors page and click the trashcan icon from the Accessor sidebar.

delete non tenant.png


SiteLink myHub

1. From the Home page in SiteLink myHub, click Accessors under the Access section. access_accessors.png
2. Click the Add Accessor icon in the top right corner. add_accessor.png

3. Enter the accessor’s information and select Access Zones and Override Hours if applicable. 

4. Click Save when you’re done.  
Still have questions?
Don't be afraid to ask us. We're here to help you.