How do I move a tenant in?

Follow the instructions below to move a tenant into your facility in SiteLink Web Edition. 

1. From the Operations screen in SiteLink Web Edition, click Move In.


2. Select a unit from the list of your vacant units. 

You can sort the list by clicking on a column header if, for example, if you are looking for a certain unit by size or rent.


You can also use the filter options on the right side of the screen to view units by size or area.


3. Once you have selected a unit, click Next to continue.


4. If the customer is a new tenant, click Add.




Enter the tenant’s information on the next screen. The fields highlighted in green are required. 

Click OK when you are done. 


Choose the tenant you just created from the tenant list and click Next.


If the customer is an existing tenant who wants to rent an additional unit, select the tenant’s name from the tenant list.

A prompt will ask whether you would like to make the anniversary billing date for the new unit the same as the existing unit. 

Note: This prompt will not appear if your facility uses first-of-month billing.


5. On the next screen under Account, make any changes needed to the tenant’s move-in date, billing frequency, and billing settings are correct. 

The move-in date can be backdated or set to a future date (depending on your settings). 

Note: If monthly billing is chosen, the tenant cannot change to daily, weekly, or 28-day billing once the move-in is saved. The tenant must be moved out then back in to make that change.


6. If the tenant would like to sign up for Auto Billing, click Edit under Auto Bill. Fill in the payment details on the next screen.


7. Set the Time Zone (Access Hours) and Keypad Zone you would like the customer to have access to in the Gate section. 

If a future date was selected in step 5, gate access will be restricted until that date.




8. If you would like to enter marketing and demographic details, click Marketing.  



9. If the customer is storing a vehicle, click Vehicle to enter the License plate number and vehicle description.


10. Add additional charges if needed under Charges.

Charges such as Water and Electric or Extended Hours are recurring charges that apply to the tenant’s account every month.


11. To add insurance coverage, click the plus icon next to Insurance




Select the coverage amount in the top section of the window, and then enter the policy number.

Click Create New Policy to save the information and then OK.


12. If you need to adjust the rent or apply a discount, click the plus icon next to Initial Rent.



You can change the tenant’s rate in the Rate section. 

You can apply a discount from either the Discount Plan dropdown menu or the Discount section.

Discount plans will not appear unless the plans have been set up in your software prior to the move in.

Click Apply Tenant’s Rate or Apply Discount if you’ve made changes. 

Click Close when you are done.


16. From the main move-in page, click Save when you are done making changes and ready to complete the move-in.


13. You will either see the option to eSign or print move-in forms depending on your settings. Documents checked under Forms will be included.

Clicking eSign allows you to either have the customer sign in person or email the documents to them. 




14. To take a payment, click Payment


The payment amount will default to the charges you have entered in previous steps. Enter a manual amount if you would like to accept a payment that is different from what is owed. 

Select a payment method from the drop down menu.

Additional fields will appear depending on the payment method you select. Complete the fields for the payment type.  

Click OK to process the payment. A prompt will appear to save the payment, followed by another prompt to print or email a receipt.





15. Click Finish. 





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